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Photo of Christian Wise Smith

Christian Wise Smith

Christian Wise Smith is running for Georgia Attorney General, Democratic Primary.

Political background

In 2020, Christian Wise Smith ran for Fulton County District Attorney, finishing third with about 23% of the vote in the three-way primary. During his campaign he supported abolishing the cash bail system, ending prosecution for crimes involving marijuana, and reducing recidivism rates through investment in diversion and rehabilitation programs.

Professional background

Christian moved to Atlanta in 2005 to practice law. He worked as an Atlanta city solicitor and then as an Assistant Prosecutor for the Fulton County District Attorney. Christian founded the National Social Justice Alliance, a non-profit focused on ending police brutality. He is also an author who wrote and published the book, "WISEUP Adventure Series: Chris and Key Go Vote!" in 2021.

Personal background

Christian Wise Smith was born and raised in Cleveland. He graduated from law school and moved to Atlanta in 2005. He now resides in Fulton County.

Criminal Justice


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Voting & Elections


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Public Safety


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As of March 8, 2022, Christian Wise Smith’s website did not contain information on this issue.

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