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Katherine Bidegaray
Katherine Bidegaray is running for Montana State Supreme Court Justice.
Political background
Katherine Bidegaray is a judge for Montana's seventh judicial district, serving her fourth term. She was first elected in 2002 and took office in 2003. She was retained by voters in 2008 and 2014.
Professional background
Katherine has served as a judge in Montana since 2003. Previously, she worked for the Montana State Auditor's Office as a staff attorney and a deputy securities commissioner and practiced privately for 12 years.
Personal background
Katherine is a lifelong Montanan. She received her undergraduate and law degrees from the University of Montana.
Candidate website
Legal Experience
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Ethics & Conduct
As of April 10, 2024, Katherine Bidegaray’s website did not contain information on this issue.
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Judicial Administration
As of April 10, 2024, Katherine Bidegaray’s website did not contain information on this issue.
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Judicial Philosophy
As of April 10, 2024, Katherine Bidegaray’s website did not contain information on this issue.
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Community Involvement
As of April 10, 2024, Katherine Bidegaray’s website did not contain information on this issue.
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