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Photo of Bowen Greenwood

Bowen Greenwood


Bowen Greenwood is running for Montana Clerk of Supreme Court, Republican Primary.

Political background

Bowen Greenwood is the elected Republican Clerk of the Montana Supreme Court. Before his election, he served as the Executive Director of the Montana Republican Party.


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Professional background

Bowen has worked for various Montana elected officials. He has also been a freelance writer and is a published novelist, with his book 'Death of Secrets' reaching number one on Amazon's political thriller list.


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Personal background

Bowen is a fourth-generation Montanan born in Helena and currently living there. He grew up in Billings and graduated from Georgetown University. Greenwood is an active member of the Helena Valley Faith Center, where he operates the sound mixer for the worship team and serves on the church council.


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Judicial Administration

  • Motivated to "end the progressive dominance of the Montana Supreme Court."
  • Wants to uphold "election integrity laws, like rolling back same-day registration and banning double voting."
  • Wants to uphold "pro-life legislation."
  • Opposes gun control legislation.


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