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Carole H Melton
Carole H Melton is running for Cobb Clerk of Superior Court, Democratic Primary.
Political background
Carole H Melton's campaign for Clerk of Superior Court in Cobb County is her first entry into politics,
Ballotpedia - Carole H Melton
Professional background
Carole has worked for the Cobb courthouse since 2015 and has served in support roles for various judges and personnel.
Candidate website
Personal background
Carole has been a resident of Cobb County since 1979. Carole is a graduate of Howard University and the mother of two sons. She was born in Washington, D.C.
Candidate website
As of March 23, 2024, Carole H Melton’s website did not contain information on this issue.
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Judicial Administration
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Ethics & Conduct
As of March 23, 2024, Carole H Melton’s website did not contain information on this issue.
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