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Photo of Shawn Bratton

Shawn Bratton


Shawn Bratton is running for Gwinnett State Court Judge.

Political background

Shawn Bratton is a State Court Judge in Gwinnett County. The governor first appointed him to the position in 2014, and he is serving his third term.


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Professional background

Shawn most recently served as a Magistrate Court Judge in Gwinnett County. Previously, he worked as a civil litigator in private practice, a solicitor for the Gwinnett County Solicitor's Office, and an assistant district attorney (DA) for the Walton County DA's Office. Before his time as an attorney, he served as a Nuclear Missile Technician in the U.S. Navy.


Candidate website

Personal background

Shawn was born and raised in Gwinnett County. He earned his bachelor's degree in German from the University of Georgia and his law degree from Georgia State University College of Law. Following law school, Bratton served as a law clerk on the Georgia Court of Appeals.


Candidate website


Trellis, Judge Shawn F. Bratton

Legal Experience


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Ethics & Conduct

As of April 23, 2024, Shawn Bratton’s website did not contain information on this issue.

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Judicial Philosophy


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Judicial Administration

As of April 23, 2024, Shawn Bratton’s website did not contain information on this issue.

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Community Involvement


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