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Photo of Pamela Marie Bettis

Pamela Marie Bettis


Pamela Marie Bettis is running for Henry Solicitor General.

Political background

Pamela Marie Bettis is currently Solicitor General in Henry County. She was appointed in 2018, and was elected to this position in 2020. She has served one term.

Professional background

Pamela worked as a law enforcement officer in Henry County and a prosecutor for the Henry County Solicitor General’s Office. She is also a founding partner of the law firm, Bettis & Howard, P.C.


Henry Herald, Bettis named Henry County solicitor general




Governor Announces Henry County Solicitor General Appointment

Personal background

Pamela holds a bachelor’s degree and master’s degree from Georgia State University, and a law degree from Emory University Law School. She resides in Locust Grove, Georgia.

Public Safety


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Legal Experience

As of April 23, 2024, Pamela Marie Bettis’s website did not contain information on this issue.

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Criminal Justice

As of April 23, 2024, Pamela Marie Bettis’s website did not contain information on this issue.

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