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Willie Brown
Willie Brown is running for Henry County Sheriff, Democratic Primary.
Political background
Willie Brown's campaign for county sheriff is his first entry into politics.
Ballotpedia: Willie Brown
Professional background
Willie is a Deputy Sheriff with the Henry County Board of Commissioners. He is also a veteran, having served as Chief Petty Officer with the US Navy.
Personal background
Willie is originally from Georgia, and graduated from Oak Ridge High School in Florida. He holds an associate's degree in hotel, motel, and restaurant management from Valencia College and a bachelor's degree in public safety from Mercer University. He is married to his wife and is a father. He previously served as a volunteer Sheriff Reserve Deputy and was on the Henry County Zoning Advisory Board. He is a member of Divine Faith Ministries International, where he serves as Elder and a mentor to young men in the church.
Public Safety
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Jail Management
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Criminal Justice
As of March 19, 2024, Willie Brown’s website did not contain information on this issue.
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