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Shedarren Bruce Fanning
Shedarren Bruce Fanning is running for Douglas County Sheriff, Democratic Primary.
Political background
Shedarren Bruce Fanning’s campaign for county sheriff is his first entry into politics.
Candidate website
Professional background
Shedarren is a police officer, having served 15 years with the City of Atlanta Police Department. He currently holds the position of Unit Commander. He is also the CEO of Badge to Family Outreach. Shedarren is the Vice President of Business Development at T&S Response Group, LLC.
Personal background
Shedarren holds a Bachelor of Science degree in criminal kustice from Ashworth College. He holds a Peace Officer Certification from the Georgia Peace Officers Standards & Training Council. In 2020, he attended Atlanta Police Leadership Institute. Shedarren holds memberships in the Georgia Association of Police Chiefs, IBPO Union, the International Association of Police Chiefs, and the National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives.
Public Safety
As of March 23, 2024, Shedarren Bruce Fanning’s website did not contain information on this issue.
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Jail Management
As of March 23, 2024, Shedarren Bruce Fanning’s website did not contain information on this issue.
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Criminal Justice
As of March 23, 2024, Shedarren Bruce Fanning’s website did not contain information on this issue.
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