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Kevin Lavonn Burns
Kevin Lavonn Burns is running for Chatham County Sheriff, Democratic Primary.
Political background
Kevin Burns' campaign for County Sheriff is his first run for political office.
Professional background
Kevin was most recently an advanced deputy at the Chatham County Sheriff’s Office. He previously worked as a juvenile corrections officer at the Savannah Regional Youth Detention Center, a substitute teacher at DeRenne Middle School, and a special patrolman/peace officer at the Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.
Personal background
Kevin was born and raised in Harlem, New York. He earned his associate's degree in Liberal Arts and his bachelor's of science in paralegal studies from St. John's University of Queens, New York. He previously volunteered as an afterschool program director for Lutheran Services of Georgia. Burns is a husband and father. He lives in Chatham County with his family.
Public Safety
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Jail Management
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Criminal Justice
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