Photo of Romona Jackson Jones

Romona Jackson Jones


Romona Jackson Jones is running for Douglas County Commission Chair.

Political background

Romona Jackson Jones has served as the Douglas County Commission Chair since 2017. She is the first African-American to be elected and serve in this position in Douglas County's history since 1870, and the first African American female to win a countywide election as Commission Chair in Georgia's history since 1788.

Professional background

Romona is a United States Veteran and has worked in federal, state, and local governments during her 47-year professional career.

Personal background

Romona has resided in Douglas County, Georgia for over two decades. She earned a Bachelor of Science degree from Southern Illinois University, a master's degree from Chapman University, and a doctoral degree from Argosy University. She has a daughter.

Candidates (2)

These are the candidates running for this office.

Public Services

As county commission chair, funded multiple renovation efforts at different community buildings, such as the Woodie Fite Senior Center and various libraries, in order to elevate public engagement.

As county commission chair, secured a State Community Block Grant to renovate the Senior Services complex located on Fairburn Road.

As county commission chair, funded a new state of art Youth Innovation Center located in Lithia Springs.


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As county commission chair, advanced workforce development and increased job opportunities for Douglas County residents.

Believes in strong fiscal management, demonstrated by Douglas County's enhanced reserves, zero debt, and doubled tax base under Dr. Jones's stewardship, reflecting her adept handling of budgets and economic growth.

As county commission chair, helped increase Douglas County's tax base to $12.9 billion.


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As county commissioner, developed curriculum and hosted first ever Summer Internship providing future young leaders with opportunities to learn about County Governments through Board of Commissioners lens.

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Public Safety

Supports enhancing public safety by funding emergency communication systems, hiring more deputies, updating technology, renovating courthouse security, and improving fire services, which achieved a top ISO rating for the fire department and E-911.

As county commissioner, set standards for allocating robust funding to secure vital resources and competitive pay to recruit and retain superior public safety personnel.

As county commission chair, secured a $10 million FEMA Staffing for Adequate Fire and Emergency (SAFER) grant on March 7, 2023 to bring 46 new Firefighters to Douglas County Fire Department.


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Housing & Urban Development

The candidate's website says, "...Funded new Veterans Village Apartment housing to support homeless Veterans in Douglas County in 2022."

The candidate's website says, "...Secured funding to provide economic relief to Douglas County citizens with rental assistance, utilities and water assistance during the height of the COVID-19 Pandemic."

The candidate's website says, "...Funded vital resources to support Douglas County homeless camp hailed as a model state program."

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Transportation & Infrastructure

Supports transportation improvements, including the $22 million Lee Road expansion and connector corridor to enhance traffic flow, and advocates for infrastructure development like the Lee Road Master Plan for growth in Lithia Springs, Douglas County.

Supports infrastructure enhancement, achieving Keep Douglas County Beautiful Certification, upgrading to silver in green communities, advancing major road projects, resurfacing I-20, repairing bridges, and implementing extensive road and sidewalk improvements in Douglas County.

As county commission chair, secured funding for gateway and landscaping beautification along the I-20 East and West Corridors.


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