Photo of Trent Franks

Trent Franks


Trent Franks is running for Arizona US Representative, District 8, Republican Primary.

Political background

Trent Franks previously served as US Representative in Congressional District 8. He served for 7 terms from 2003 to 2017. He was also a member of the Arizona House of Representatives for 1 term from 1985 to 1987.

Professional background

Trent currently works as the chairman of the board of directors of Liberty Petroleum Corporation. He previously worked as a drilling engineer and as a contractor.

Personal background

Trent earned his bachelor's degree from Ottawa University. He lives with his wife, Josephine, in West Valley and attend North Phoenix Baptist Church where Franks is a deacon. They have 2 children.


Wants to protect small businesses and support "America's productive free enterprise system."

Plans to pass a constitutional amendment to balance the budget and stop inflation.

Opposes taxes on Social Security benefits and overall tax increases.

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As US Representative, advocated to reduce Medicare prescription drug costs.

Opposes abortion, stating, "we can no longer avoid the humanity of preborn children."

Supports Medicare for seniors.


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Voting & Elections

Supports election integrity measures such as audits, voter ID requirements, ballot regulations, and ending third party ballot collection.

Said, "Without fair, honest, and secure elections for all American citizens, our Republic will fail.”

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Public Safety

Supports life sentences for child sex traffickers.

Opposes gun control.

As US Representative, cosponsored the Child Obscenity and Pornography Bill, which protects children from sexual and violent crimes.

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Opposes "leftist and socialist indoctrination" in education, including diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI), race and racism, and gender-related topics.

Believes parents should have the freedom to choose the best school for their children without government interference.

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Foreign Policy and Immigration

Believes in strict immigration enforcement, including building a border wall and closing asylum seeking loopholes.

Supports Israel.

Endorses using aerial vehicles to patrol the borders.


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Energy & the Environment

As of June 19, 2024, Trent Franks’s website did not contain information on this issue.

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As of June 19, 2024, Trent Franks’s website did not contain information on this issue.

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