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Jonathan Mark Rogers
Jonathan Mark Rogers is running for Virginia State Delegate, District 29, Republican Primary.
Political background
Jonathan Mark Rogers' campaign for state delegate is his first entry into politics.
Professional background
Jonathan used to be a teacher and an administrator at Fairfax and Loudoun County Public Schools.
Personal background
Jonathan is from Asheville, North Carolina. He has lived in Leesburg for twenty years. He has a bachelor's degree from Virginia Commonwealth University, a degree from the University of Arizona, and a degree from Georgia Washington University.
Energy & the Environment
As of April 24, 2023, Jonathan Mark Rogers did not have a website or any information online.
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As of April 24, 2023, Jonathan Mark Rogers did not have a website or any information online.
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As of April 24, 2023, Jonathan Mark Rogers did not have a website or any information online.
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Public Safety
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