Photo of Erica G. Baez

Erica G. Baez


Erica G. Baez is running for Chesterfield Court Clerk.

Political background

Erica G. Baez's campaign for court clerk is her first entry into politics.

Professional background

Erica is a lawyers. She owns a boutique law firm focusing on family law. She used to be an attorney at law firms Hatcher & Baez PLC and Owen & Owens PLC.

Personal background

Erica is originally from Florida. She has a bachelor's degree in political science from Furman University and a law degree from the University of Richmond. She lives in Chesterfield with her husband, Jesse, and their son.

Candidates (2)

These are the candidates running for this office.


As of July 25, 2023, Erica G. Baez’s website did not contain information on this issue.

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Judicial Administration

As of July 25, 2023, Erica G. Baez’s website did not contain information on this issue.

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