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Photo of Alex Hudson

Alex Hudson

Alex Hudson is running for Seattle City Council Member, District 3.

Political background

Alex Hudson's campaign for city council is her first entry into politics.



Professional background

Alex used to be the executive director of the Transportation Choices Coalition, the executive director of the First Hill Improvement Association, and the co-founding editor of Seattlish.



Personal background

Alex is originally from Redmond and was raised in King County. She has a bachelor's degree in political science, sociology, and economics from Western Washington University. She lives with her partner, and she is the legal guardian of an eighth grader.


Candidate website



Transportation & Infrastructure

  • Said, "[a]s a committed urbanist, I believe that our transportation system should build equity, create safety, support good green economy jobs, and enhance our quality of life and make our lives easier."
  • Advocates for funding for existing plans for long-term improvement in terms of the transportation system, such as Vision Zero.
  • Wants to build a safe network of sidewalks and accessible pathways to public transit.
  • Supports employer-covered transportation.


Candidate website

Housing & Urban Development

  • Plans to increase the amount of Jump Start dollars going towards creating affordable housing.
  • Supports the Housing Levy renewal and plans to work to implement it further.
  • Advocates for the expansion of Mandatory Housing Affordability (MHA), which requires market-rate projects to invest in affordable housing.
  • Opposes exclusionary zoning and wants to find a more flexible set of guidelines that creates more opportunities to build affordable housing.
  • Calls to automatically enroll eligible residents in property tax deferral programs.


Candidate website


As of June 27, 2023, Alex Hudson’s website did not contain information on this issue.

Public Services

  • Will develop policies supporting the creation of new small neighborhood businesses in order to supplement the losses seen during the pandemic.
  • Supports "the implementation of a municipal capital gains tax in light of the City's anticipated budget shortfall" with the goal of making Seattle's tax code more equitable.
  • Intends to create more support, programs, and employment opportunities for youth.


Candidate website

Public Safety

  • Wants to implement alternative crisis responses due to longer response times from 911 responders and police officers.
  • Plans to reform the Seattle police through increased accountability and transparency; greater training and education with an emphasis on culture change; and more community-led violence intervention and engagement.
  • Supports greater restrictions on firearms and weaponry.
  • Advocates for the expansion of programs such as JustCARE, mental health recovery and Co-LEAD in order to combat crime and homelessness.


Candidate website