North Carolina Auditor, Republican Primary
Audits and investigates government agencies to prevent waste and corruption
Full office description
- The Auditor conducts financial audits of North Carolina’s government agencies, ensuring tax dollars are well-spent and that corruption does not occur.
- The Auditor's office examines books, records, files, papers, documents, and financial affairs of every state agency. They often comment on the operational and financial affairs of the North Carolina State Government.
- The Auditor has the power to make people produce records and answer questions under oath.
- The Auditor oversees an office of over 300 employees.
- The Auditor is elected for a four year term. The position has no term limits.
How this impacts you
Taxes — Through their audits, the Auditor can improve state government and uncover waste and abuse of state tax dollars by state agencies or private entities that receive state funds.
Corruption — Through their audits, the Auditor can identify corruption in government spending and verify tax dollars are used appropriately.
Candidates (6)
Anthony Wayne (tony) Street
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Charles Dingee
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Dave Boliek
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Jack Clark
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Jeff Tarte
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Jim Kee
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