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Che' Alexander
Che' Alexander is running for Fulton Clerk of Superior Court, Democratic Primary.
Political background
Che' Alexander is currently the Clerk of the Superior & Magistrate Court of Fulton County, where she has been since June 2023.
Professional background
Che' founded CHEckrein Consulting, where she has been since 2018. She was previously the Chief Advisor, Chief of Courts Bureau, and Chief Deputy Clerk at the Fulton County Superior Court.
Personal background
Che' is from Atlanta, Georgia. She is a graduate of North Fulton High School. She has a bachelor's in business administration and management and a master's in public administration from Georgia State University.
As of March 19, 2024, Che' Alexander did not have a website or any information online.
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Judicial Administration
As of March 19, 2024, Che' Alexander did not have a website or any information online.
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