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Nichelle David
Nichelle David is running for Cobb County Board of Education Member, District 6, Democratic Primary.
Political background
Nichelle Davis's campaign for Cobb County board of education is her first entry into politics.
Professional background
Nichelle is currently the manager of operations for Achieve Atlanta, an education nonprofit focused on serving the students of Atlanta Public Schools. She founded ImpactED Solutions, LLC., which is a tutoring company for K-12 students. She used to work as a middle school math teacher.
Personal background
Nichelle is from Miami, Florida. She has lived in Cobb County for six years. She has bachelor's degrees in sociology and criminology from the University of Florida.
Teacher Recruitment
As of March 17, 2022, Nichelle David’s website did not contain information on this issue.
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School Curriculum
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College & Career Readiness
As of March 17, 2022, Nichelle David’s website did not contain information on this issue.
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