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Atlanta City Council President

The leader of city council

Full office description

  • City Council president is a position specific to Atlanta, and they are responsible for leading city council by presiding over meetings and appointing city council members to committee positions.
  • City council president cannot introduce legislation and can only vote to break a 7-7 tie.
  • City council president is elected by all voters in Atlanta in odd years to four year terms and will receive a salary of $74,400 starting in 2022.

How this impacts you

  • Public safetyCity Council President decides which city council members work on which issues, including public safety.

  • Buckhead City MovementCity Council President leads city council on discussing major city issues, such as the Buckhead city movement.

This election has moved to a runoff. To see the runoff election, click here.

Election results

Runoff election

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Doug Shipman


27,791 votes


Natalyn Archibong


25,493 votes

Courtney English


22,605 votes

Mike Russell


11,866 votes

Samuel Manuel


2,524 votes

Candidates (5)

A profile picture of Courtney English.

Courtney English

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A profile picture of Doug Shipman.

Doug Shipman

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A profile picture of Mike Russell.

Mike Russell

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A profile picture of Natalyn Archibong.

Natalyn Archibong

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Samuel Manuel

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