Adams County Sheriff
The chief law enforcement officer in the county.
Full office description
- The County Sheriff has complete police jurisdiction over all municipalities, and provides full police protection to the unincorporated areas of the county.
- The County Sheriff is responsible for enforcing the laws of Ohio and the United States.
- County Sheriffs are responsible for operating and maintaining the county jail.
- The County Sheriff aids the Common Pleas Court with security during trials, issues warrants, and serves court orders.
- County Sheriffs are elected to 4 year terms.
How this impacts you
Criminal Justice — County Sheriffs in Ohio are responsible for how jails are run. This includes addressing issues of health and overcrowding in prisons, hiring staff, and training, which significantly affects the treatment of detainees.
Public Safety — County Sheriffs can implement programs to reduce specific crimes in their area. For example, many county sheriffs offices sponsor drug and alcohol awareness programs for children. Some other sheriffs offices have specific Driving Under the Influence (DUI) prevention and enforcement programs.
Election results
Kenneth W. Dick
10,192 votes
Candidates (1)
Kenneth W. Dick
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Kenneth W. Dick is running for this race unopposed.Read profile