District Court Judge, Seat 02
Judge who handles majority of trial level cases
Full office description
- District Court judges hear civil, criminal, and juvenile cases. Civil cases dealing with divorce, child custody, and child support are heard in District Court.
- Under the District Court, the magistrate can try small claims cases ($10,000 or less), landlord eviction cases, and suits for recovery of personal property. A magistrate is an independent judicial officer, recognized by the North Carolina Constitution as an officer of the district court.
- District Court Judges are elected for a four-year term. Elections are partisan.
How this impacts you
Criminal Justice — Most lower level crimes, such as misdemeanors and infraction cases, are tried in the District Court. The outcome of the case and how fair a trial is often comes down to the district court judge.
Property Rights — District court judges can decide how to distribute or recover a person's property, after a ruling.
Election results
Larry Brown, Jr.
61,386 votes
Last updated 4 months ago. Election results are still unofficial.
Candidates (1)
Larry Brown, Jr.
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Larry Brown, Jr. is running for this race unopposed.Read profile