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Prestonsburg Mayor

The chief executive of the city.

Full office description

  • The duties of the mayor depend on the type of government within the city,
  • If the city has a mayor-council form of government, the mayor is responsible for the executive and administrative functions of the government. They oversee all city departments, but cannot vote in most council matters.
  • If the city has a mayor-aldermen form of government, the mayor is responsible for executing and enforcing local and state laws. The mayor may appoint city officials with approval from the aldermen.
  • If the city has a mayor-commission form of government, the mayor presides over the city commissioners and can vote within the commission. The mayor is responsible for executing all decisions reached by the commission.
  • If the city has a city manager form of government, the mayor presides over the city commissioners and can vote within the commission. The mayor is recognized as the head of the city department but does not have any regular administrative duties.
  • City mayors are elected during general elections for a four-year term. Most cities in Kentucky hold nonpartisan elections for mayor.

How this impacts you

  • Public SafetyUnder the city-council form of government, the mayor has the power to appoint and remove all city employees, including police officers.

Election results


Rick Hughes


849 votes

David Gearheart


461 votes

Danny Martin


206 votes

Candidates (3)

Danny Martin


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A profile picture of David Gearheart.

David Gearheart


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Rick Hughes


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