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Henry Coroner, Democratic Primary

The chief medical examiner for the county

Full office description

  • The County Coroner runs the Coroner’s Office, which is responsible for determining the cause, manner, and circumstance of death under the Georgia Death Investigation Act.
  • Deaths that they are responsible for investigating include violent deaths, suicides, sudden deaths, deaths unattended by a physician, suspicious deaths, deaths of children younger than seven years old, executions, deaths of inmates, and deaths of people admitted to a hospital unconscious.
  • The Coroner is responsible for pronouncing someone dead, and for releasing remains to be cremated, transported to another state, or autopsied.
  • All Georgia Coroners are required to attend a 40 hour course at the Georgia State Patrol Training Center and receive 24 hours of in services training on death investigation procedures each year.
  • Coroners are elected to four year terms in nonpartisan elections.

How this impacts you

  • Public SafetyThe Coroner is responsible for determining how local people died under suspicious circumstances, which is essential to finding threats to the public health and safety.

Election results


Donald W Cleveland


12,512 votes

Tony Brown


6,487 votes

Candidates (2)

A profile picture of Donald W Cleveland.

Donald W Cleveland

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A profile picture of Tony Brown.

Tony Brown

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