Quitman Tax Assessor & Collector
The accountant for the county
Full office description
- The Tax Assessor & Collector is responsible for determining how much people owe in taxes, as well as collecting those taxes.
- The Tax Assessor & Collector figures out how much each person in the county owes in property taxes on real estate and personal property, and they keep records on changes in ownership in property.
- The Tax Assessor & Collector sends tax bills, collects payments, and distributes tax payments to the county in order to fund government services. They also handle registration and titling of vehicles.
- Tax Assessors & Collector are elected every four years in partisan elections. Some Mississippi counties have this one office, while other counties elect separate officials to two distinct offices; Tax Collector and Tax Assessor.
How this impacts you
Housing Costs — Tax Assessor & Collectors carry out county and state law on property taxes, which determines how much homeowners have to pay in taxes each year and how much housing costs for renters due to the taxes owed by their landlords.
Cost of Living — Tax Assessor & Collectors are responsible for the day-to-day operations of the county's tax system. This directly impacts how those taxes are assessed and collected from residents, causing the cost of living in the area to increase or decrease depending on the office's priorities.
Candidates (1)
Alice Smith
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Alice Smith is running for this race unopposed.Read profile