Scott County Surveyor
Head of land surveying for the county
Full office description
- A county surveyor is an elected official at the county level in Mississippi. They are in charge of land survey records, re-establishing and maintaining government survey monuments, and reviewing property boundaries and subdivision plans.
- Before anything can be built in the county, the surveyor’s office must survey the land in order to properly assess what can be built where and how it can be constructed.
- County surveyors are responsible for determining any risks and opportunities on plots of land that have potential for being developed.
- Land surveying is one of the oldest known professions, and it is still relevant today!
How this impacts you
Housing Costs — The work of the county surveyor's office determines where and how new housing can be constructed, affecting the amount of available housing in the local areas and, therefore, the price per unit of housing.
Economic Growth — Land surveying is the first step in building new corporate headquarters, retail spaces, and office parks in the county.
Candidates (1)
William C. Kelley
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William C. Kelley is running for this race unopposed.Read profile