Quitman County Supervisor, District 1
Member of a 5-person board that runs the county
Full office description
- County Supervisors are members of a county-level board called the Board of Supervisors. The board runs the county government, including setting county priorities and funding projects with a multi-million dollar county budget.
- The board is in charge of county roads, ferries, bridges, law enforcement, collections, fines, and taxes. They also appoint some county-level officials.
- Decisions made by county supervisors directly impact economic development, public health, safety, and welfare of county citizens.
- Each county is divided into five supervisor districts of equal population size. Supervisors are elected every four years in partisan elections. Elections take place in odd-numbered years before a presidential election (2023, 2027, 2031, etc.).
How this impacts you
Small Businesses — County Supervisors work together to decide how the county invests its budget and what incentives and support it provides for local businesses.
Public Safety — The board is responsible for supervising county law enforcement and has the power to decide how the department is funded and run.
Candidates (1)
Sheridian W. Boyd
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Sheridian W. Boyd is running for this race unopposed.Read profile