Scott County Sheriff
The chief law enforcement officer in the county
Full office description
- The County Sheriff is an elected official who acts as the chief law enforcement officer in their county. They are tasked with operating the county jails, keeping courtrooms secure during trials, and keeping the public safe through proper law enforcement.
- Each Sheriff's Office in Mississippi may look a little different in how they hire and run their teams, but they are all responsible for serving civil paperwork, making arrests, and enforcing laws in unincorporated areas of the county.
- While city police are in charge of law enforcement in their specific cities, county sheriffs are responsible for law enforcement in the areas outside of those cities but within the broader county.
- There are 82 county sheriffs in Mississippi, one for each individual county.
How this impacts you
Policing — Sheriffs run law enforcement for unincorporated areas of the county, so they determine how their office enforces the law in those areas.
Public Safety — Sheriffs set priorities for law enforcement for their offices, so they have the power to decide which calls are responded to most quickly, what types of arrests are made, and which laws are enforced.
Candidates (2)
Mike Lee
Raymond Latham
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