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Scott County Attorney

Acts as the attorney for the county in low-level criminal cases

Full office description

  • The County Attorney, also known as the County Prosecuting Attorney or the County Prosecutor, represents the state of Mississippi in low-level criminal cases filed in the county Justice Court system.
  • The County Attorney decides which cases to bring before the court and represents Mississippi’s interests in those cases. Examples of cases that the county attorney works on include DUIs, possession of drugs, assaults, domestic violence, and traffic cases.
  • Criminal appeals from the Justice Court to the Circuit Court are also prosecuted by the County Attorney.
  • County Attorney’s are elected in partisan elections to four year terms.

How this impacts you

  • Public SafetyTheir decisions affect the prosecution of crimes and the handling of civil cases, directly impacting the local justice system and community welfare.

Candidates (1)

A profile picture of Tanya Nicole Carl.

Tanya Nicole Carl


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Tanya Nicole Carl is running for this race unopposed.Read profile