Scott Constable, District 2
Law enforcement of the county court system
Full office description
- Each county has an elected constable, who serves court papers in civil court cases and makes arrests throughout the county.
- Constables are responsible for helping to carry out the laws of the state and keep the peace within the county. They attend the local Justice Court.
- Sometimes, constables are responsible for collecting money that people owe to the court system.
- County constables are elected in partisan elections to four year terms. One constable is elected per district, and the districts are the same as the districts for Justice Court Judges.
How this impacts you
Public Safety — County Constables make arrests throughout the county, directly enforcing criminal laws in order to make sure that the public is safe from criminal activity.
Judicial Efficiency — Constables carry out the rules of the court, directly determining how efficiently the court system runs within the county.
Candidates (2)
Scotty D. Yarbrough
Shannon Moore
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