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Panola Circuit Court Clerk

Official record keeper and administrator of the county and circuit courts

Full office description

  • Circuit Court Clerks are responsible for receiving and filing all lawsuits, indictments, motions, and other court paperwork in all civil and criminal cases filed in county and circuit courts.
  • These clerks also issue all summons and subpoenas at the county and circuit court level, as well as selects and qualifies citizens to serve on juries.
  • Circuit Court Clerks keep records of all court judgements, issue marriage licenses, record all professional licenses, and register citizens to vote.
  • Cases in circuit court are high-level criminal cases and civil cases, while cases in county court are eminent domain cases and juvenile court matters, including youth court, delinquency, abuse, and neglect cases.
  • Circuit Court Clerks are elected every four years in partisan elections

How this impacts you

  • Judicial EfficiencyCircuit Court Clerks run the court system, deciding whether people who come to court can file paperwork online, how long they have to wait in line, and how often they need to come to the courthouse in person.

  • Public SafetyCircuit Court Clerks are in charge of criminal court administration, determining how fairly and effectively the court procedures are that result in people being punished or going to jail for criminal activity.

Candidates (1)

A profile picture of Melissa Meek-Phelps.

Melissa Meek-Phelps


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Melissa Meek-Phelps is running for this race unopposed.Read profile