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Georgia Superior Court Judge Runoff, Southern

Trial Judge over a wide range of civil and criminal cases

Full office description

  • Georgia Superior Court Judges hear a wide range of criminal cases from petty theft and public drunkenness to murder. Some cases in front of the Georgia Superior Court involve the death penalty.
  • On the civil side, Superior Court Judges hear cases on divorce, titles to land, contract disputes, and premises liability.
  • Superior Court Judges are elected by judicial circuit. Each county surrounding Atlanta has its own judicial circuit, while rural judicial districts typically consist of multiple counties.
  • Superior Court Judges are elected to four year terms. Elections are nonpartisan. The Governor can appoint Superior Court Judges when vacancies arise.

How this impacts you

  • Public SafetySuperior court judges make decisions on bail for individuals formally accused of a crime by a prosecutor. This means a superior court judge could allow a dangerous person back on the streets before they are convicted of a crime.

  • Criminal JusticeSince they make decisions on bail, a superior court judge could keep a non-dangerous person in jail before they are convicted by setting bail too high.

  • Property RightsSuperior court judges can decide how to distribute a person’s property in a divorce, contract, or land dispute.

This is a runoff election for Superior Court Judge. To see the original election, click here.

Election results


Catherine Mims Smith


7,421 votes

William Long Whitesell


6,003 votes

Candidates (2)

A profile picture of Catherine Mims Smith.

Catherine Mims Smith

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A profile picture of William Long Whitesell.

William Long Whitesell

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