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AJC/ACC Voter Guide - Local & Legislative Questionnaire

Completed by Kenya Wicks

on April 20, 2024

What is your name?

Kenya Wicks

Tell us more about yourself.

Being a advocate for women’s rights, especially reproductive freedom and voting rights. Elected women in office must demonstrate our power, passion, and purpose, especially when women are under attack [legislatively] in our society. Lastly, in addition to reproductive freedom and voting rights, I will continue to focus on health care policies such as maternal and infant mortality, mental health, children’s health care and senior citizens.

What office are you running for?

State Senator, District 34

What is your party affiliation?


Where did you go to school?

- Central High School, Louisville, Ky., 1992 - University of Alabama, 2010

Provide the link to your campaign website.

What is your job/occupation?

Retired U.S. Army officer

What city/neighborhood do you live in?

Fayette County

Is this your first time running for office?


What experiences have best prepared you to hold elected office?

Service has always been part of my DNA, especially during my 30-year military career in the US Army. As a retired major, I am uniquely prepared to serve all the citizens in Georgia state Senate District 34. Although my skill sets are vast, the following areas will provide granular insights into military service, leadership, and my involvement in community and veterans' affairs. I also welcome you to visit my website (www.Vote4KenyaWicks.Org) to learn more about my candidacy. The military instilled in me a strong ethical compass and a commitment to integrity — qualities that are paramount in a public servant.

What would be your top priority upon winning office?

Georgia is facing many challenges that range from health care to public education to infrastructure to preserving the rights of all citizens. I encourage everyone to visit www.Vote4KenyaWicks.Org to learn more about my priorities. In short, I will be a champion for women's rights and mental health services, and fervently support our veterans. These areas are vital to ensuring that all members of our community are respected, supported and empowered. Comprehensive legislation: By integrating these priorities — women's rights, mental health, and veteran support.

What actions would you take to enhance government transparency and trust in government?

As a retired Army major, trust and integrity are more than a “sound bite.” All levels of government must do their part to ensure government transparency and build trust in government. The bedrock of our Constitutional principles is upheld by the integrity of our democratic processes but also fosters a more informed and engaged citizenry. Here are the specific actions I will champion within our democratic caucus: 1. Transparency Initiatives: open data policies, livestreaming of government meetings. 2. Accountability measures: regular reporting, independent oversight.

Do you believe Georgia elections are secure and what additional security measures can be taken?

Election security is a cornerstone of our democracy, ensuring that every vote is counted accurately and that the outcomes reflect the true will of the people. While I believe that Georgia has made strides in securing its elections, there is always room for improvement to ensure that our elections are not only secure but also perceived as such by the public. Current Security Assessment: I believe that while Georgia’s elections are fundamentally secure, the perception of security among the public can be enhanced. Continuous improvements are essential to address both existing vulnerabilities and emerging threats in our election system.

What is government's responsibility to ensure affordable housing?

Affordable housing is not just a basic necessity. It is a fundamental right that should be accessible to all citizens, regardless of their income level. The government has a critical role to play in ensuring that affordable housing is available, adequate and accessible to everyone, especially to those in lower-income brackets.

Do you believe public access to public records is sufficient in your jurisdiction and, if not, what steps do you support to remedy that?

Our government's transparency is a cornerstone of democracy, ensuring that its citizens can hold it accountable. In our jurisdiction, while we have established systems for public access to records, there remain areas for improvement. Enhancing this access is crucial to fostering an informed and engaged public. I believe that our current system can be improved in several key areas: the ease of access, the cost associated with retrieving records, and the timeliness of responses to public records requests. These barriers can prevent citizens from obtaining the information they need to effectively oversee government actions and policies.